Our story
We create social meeting places
Vestre is a Norwegian manufacturer of urban furniture. For more than 70 years, we have helped create social meeting places for millions of people.
There is much talk about the triple bottom line, recording social and environmental, as well as financial results. We are happy to join in, and for a long time we have followed this motto: Everyone can save the world. A little. We have made long term sustainability a prerequisite in all parts of our operations. To be more specific, we have tied this commitment to nine of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Vestre has built The Plus because we needed a factory with more space for assembling furniture and our own premises for our workshops for woodworking and polyester powder coating - The Wood Factory and The Color Factory. In 2013, we opened our factory in Torsby. When our main production moves into The Plus, the Torsby factory will be refined for the production of steel and aluminum components.
In Vestre, we believe that Norway has all the prerequisites to increase the establishment of industry and business on the mainland, and we are passionate about Scandinavian industrial cooperation. We are convinced that the Nordic countries should work together to succeed in the global market. Vestre's investment in The Plus is an example of how an effort for mainland industry in Norway can work in practice. The new factory is also an example of how we can strengthen Norwegian and Swedish industry.