to The Plus
We extend a warm welcome to all visitors to The Plus and Vestre Forest Camp. Here, we offer a unique experience encompassing design, architecture, outdoor activities, art, culture, and nature. With The Plus, we will prove that sustainable economic growth is possible, where we create value while taking into account people’s needs and staying within nature’s limits. And we will share how we do this. Vestre wants The Plus to be an inspiring and informative meeting place for people of all ages.
The world's most environmentally friendly furniture factory is an homage to the right to roam. This means you can always access the factory’s green roof and Vestre Forest Camp and look in at the production process through 21,000 square feet of windows whenever you wish. Read more about Vestre Forest Camp here.
We offer tours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 10:00 and 13:00.
Please contact us at visit@vestre.com to book your guidet tour inside the factory. The green roof and Vestre forest camp are open 24/7.